We Are Virtually Grateful

Never before have we felt such gratitude for you, our patients, and for the ability to stay connected virtually! We have missed your faces and your physical presence more than you know! You are what motivates us to do what we love to do, which is to educate and serve every one of your individual needs, every day. We are looking forward to resuming business as usual but equally delighted for this opportunity to try our hand at virtual services and found them to be successful, fun, and convenient for patients. Now, as we move forward, we are making plans to incorporate virtual events consultations and visits to enhance our regular daily routines.

During this downtime, we were uplifted by your support and inspired to see so many of you turn your focus to a back to basics approach to life and self-care. I spent many years as a mother and Aesthetician, so nothing warms my heart more than seeing so many not only embracing time with family but treating yourself to great daily skincare routines!

As we begin this difficult journey, our goal was to do it together with you. To remain here and available and connected to all of our incredible patients. I am beyond grateful and proud that we did just that! Now, as we prepare to resume regular office visits, we do it with a new appreciation. An appreciation for you first and foremost. An appreciation for the precautionary measures that keep us all safe and well. And last but not least, with a new appreciation and confidence in the innovative ways, that kept us connected while you were away!

All our love goes out to you. We are now virtually here for you always! See you soon, 
DeAnn Dunn, Practice Manager

• Routine dermatology appointments are available for you. Telehealth will allow Dr. Billano to continue to take care of your routine visits as well as medication refills, and more virtually. Telehealth visits are now covered by insurance. With no out of pocket cost to you. We accept most insurance plans. We are always available to answer your questions and concerns and assist any urgent needs. Please do not hesitate to call us.

** Mark your calendar! Join us Wednesday, April 29th at 4 pm for a Live ZOOM meeting to discuss & learn more about one of our favorite skincare lines, REVISION!  Stay tuned to our social media for more details!